Unit 1 -
Overview of this rhetorical
method of writing
Champion of the World,
Maya Angelou
This noted author writes a vivid remembrance of a
night when a clash between two diversely ethnic boxers help an
entire community glued to the radio, their fate at stake.
Fish Cheeks,
Amy Tan
This writer remembers an elaborate Chinese feast that was to be the
source of her teenage angst because a minister and his cute son
Bradley Philbert
Seeing his beloved dog suffer, this student writer was faced with a
terrible decision.
The Chase,
Annie Dillard
For this writer as a child, football, snowball fights, and being
chased were thrills that cold not be equaled, and she could not
resist leaping into the game.
The Lottery,
Shirley Jackson
This is a classic sort story that brings the reader along a tension
building event of a towns annual lottery. The "winner" surprising
cries, "it isn't fair, it isn't right."
Unit 2 - Description
Overview of this rhetorical
method of writing
Arm Wrestling With My Father,
Brad Manning
As his father's strength wanes this students writer learns that as
he becomes an adult, his view or of his father and the way he views
their physical competition changes.
Sarah Vowell
All he cared about were guns. All she cared about was art, but in
spite of their differences, this student writer discovers a strong
resemblance between her father and herself.
The Best Pizza in the World,
Elizabeth Gilbert
On an impulsive day trip to Naples, this temporary inhabitant of
Rome discovers yummy, delicious, salty pizza paradise." An essay
that makes the reader's mouth water.
Unit 3 -
Overview of this rhetorical
method of writing
On Compassion,
Barbara Lazar Ascher
When faced with the desperate homeless, this author thinks being
compassionate is not a character trait; it must be learned, and only
by having adversity at your doorstep.
Anna Quindlen
A journalist who confesses to having an aversion for looking at the
big picture insists on seeing homelessness as an individual crisis.
Black Men and Public Spaces,
Brent Staples
"Who will be my next victim," this Black author sarcastically thinks
as he meanders down a deserted street at night and finds that women
run from him, on sight. He tells what he has learned about public
space and his ability to unwillingly control it.
The Adored Buzzing Around Us,
Sharman Apt Russell
Bugs that spew odor, dissolve prey, and suck blood are this author's
interest as he makes the case for the beauty of nature, even the
scary parts.
This is Walter,
David Foster Wallace
This noted novelist in a very famous commencement speech advises new
college graduates ways to deal with perceived boredom and
frustrations of being emerging adults.
Why I Want A Wife,
Judy Brady
"Why wouldn't anyone want a wife," states this amusing author in her
popular diatribe listing all the duties and responsibilities
of a wife coupled with the demands of a husband who should he
find her getting old, have the luxury to find a new young one.
Unit 4 - Process
Overview of this rhetorical
method of writing
Behind the Formaldehyde Curtain,
Jessica Mitford
With clever and dark humor this sardonic author takes the reader on
a trip thought the stages by which a corpse becomes a masterpiece of
American mortuary art.
Chronicles of Ice,
Gretel Ehrlich
Reflecting on the future of glaciers, this noted nature writer
ponders what will happen to our planet if they simply melt away.
How to Poison the Earth,
Linnea Saukko
This prize winning student writer provide a reader with
countless ways and procedure to poison our Earth. What would prompt
such destructive thoughts?
Sweet, Sour, and Resentment,
Firoozeh Dumas
This author's mother endured the same draining routine of preparing
traditional Iranian menus for dozens of houseguest she barely knew,
and this well-known humorist tries to understand why.
Unit 5 - Cause OR Effect
Overview of this rhetorical
method of writing
Live Free and Starve,
Chitra Divakaruni
Is forcing developing countries to put an end to child labor a good
thing? This author examines what would happen and how children may
suffer fates much worse than working.
The Wall Mart You Don't Know,
Charles Fishman
Wall Mart is a super store that perhaps can illustrate just what
devastation might happen if it decided to raise the price on
pickles. This business journalist take the reader through it all.
Unit 6 - Definition
Overview of this rhetorical
method of writing
Economics vs Needs,
Thomas Sowell
What is economic, about foreign workers doing American jobs and what
are real needs? This author attempts an answer to this important
Identity's Edge,
Andrea Jones
Skin is the object of this author's interest. How it marks
boundaries of the human body and also connects each person to
outside world. You may never look at it the same again.
The Meaning of a Word,
Gloria Naylor
This Black American author's childhood brush with the word "nigger,"
taught her context matters and determines the sense of the word.
What is Poverty?
Jo Goodwin Parker
This author's use of description and anecdotes creates a definition
of poverty that is moving and very insightful. Is there on
definition; it seems not as the author cleverly guides a reader to
an engaging definition.
Unit 7 -
Overview of this rhetorical
method of writing
Batting Clean-up and Striking Out,
Dave Bary
This comedic look at the differences between men and women hinges on
the importance each gives to baseball and dirt. His funny
observations takes a swing at the differences.
Grant vs Lee,
Bruce Catton
These two famous American generals surely personified their
opposition during the Civil War; however, this author illustrates
that what they had in common was more noteworthy.
Neat People vs Sloppy People,
Suzanne Britt
Are neat people meaner than sloppy people, and do sloppy people
overlook important details? As this author compares the two types
she takes a cudgel and chooses sides.
Remembering My Childhood on the Continent of Africa,
David Sedaris
This popular essayist bemoans his dull childhood as he admires that
of his partner, Hugh, amid monkeys and machete wielding
guards. The grass sure seems greener
and exciting.
Two Ways to Belong in America,
Bharati Mukherjee
This essay is an intriguing look at two sisters from Calcutta who
after 35 years of American residence take vastly different sides on
the current debate over the status of immigrants.
Unit 8 -
Overview of this rhetorical
method of writings
Too Much Pressure,
Colleen Wenke
As noted by this author, "There is too much pressure placed on this new pressure is what is causing the increase in
paired essays 1
Not Your Homeland,
Edwidge Decante
A well know author and immigrant makes a personal and impassioned
argument against strict immigration control.
Safety Through Immigration Control,
Mark Krikorian
Strongly in favor of strict immigration control, this author says
anything less "leaves us naked in the face of the enemy."
paired essays 2
The Designer Player,
Rodrigo Villagomez
According to this student writer, professional baseball is better
because of the use of steroids. Performance enhancing drugs are what
help players and keep fans interested.
Sports Dealing with Steroids, Jason
Gerrard (student essay)
Steroids are big issue with this write, and he pulls no punches when
arguing against their usage.
Mixing the
Once More to the Lake, E.B. White
A father takes his young son on an
emotional trip back to a favorite summertime place from his youth.
There they come to some interesting and surprising revelations.
Shooting an Elephant,
George Orwell
The author, as a young British policeman, is faced with a
decision when faced with a killer elephant. As the Burmese
crowd cheered him on, he made a choice that he would not make him
I have a Dream, Martin
Luther King
In this speech, the beloved civil rights leader
eloquently makes his appeal for equality for all, and his graceful
oration continues to inspire generations.
Sandra Cisneros
In this first person narrative,
the author writes about her upbringing, family loyalty, and feelings
of isolation as young Mexican in a new environment
In Bed,
With vivacious details, the
author describes her intimate relationship with
migraine headaches
and how they are surprisingly appreciated
as friends.
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