Points available for eng121 = 100
Points available for
Extra Credit = 5
Total points available = 105
displayed on canvas
Your total grade displayed on Canvas
is the percentage of what you
earned out off what has been offered (opened) to date.
If your grade displayed on Canvas is 85% thus far, that means
that out of all assignments (including extra credit) that have
opened, you earned an 85% average. As soon as any assignment
opens it will change
Extra credit influence on a grade
Extra credit work offered can only add
to a final grade. If gives you a chance to add an extra 5%
(points) to your Final Grade.
If your current grade displayed on Campus is 82% - that means
you have 82% of what is offered thus far. When an Extra Credit
becomes available there are now more points offered. If you do
not do it, this means you now do not have 82% of everything
offered. You have less, but only because you did not get the
extra points. Nothing was deducted from the other 100 points
If you never do an Extra Credit assignment - this means you just
cannot get any of the extra 5 points. However, you still have
100 points offered to earn. Remember the course is calculated on
the customary 100 points.