What to
do in this class
Submit assignments on time. Submit
work labeled and completed correctly as asked.
Be familiar with and adhere to all class policies. Be sincere, and think like a writer not a student
trying to satisfy a professor to get a good grade.
not to do in this class
Do not ask for late or emailed assignments to be accepted. (see Late
Work Policy on the Syllabus)
Do not ask to have work that is not submitted correctly accepted.
Do not ask for special consideration for lack of or failed Internet
connection or any other reason.
Simply put
Do not ask for special or preferential treatment of any
kind for any reason!
Follow and adhere to the class
policies. To be fair to everyone, they apply to all students at all times,
There are no exceptions.
Before beginning the class do the
Check out
our Online Text,
Resources, & Video Guide.
Get familiar with and be
able to navigate Canvas (our learning management system)
If you enter the class
after it begins Do not ask for make-up work; you
may only do what is open on the schedule. Whatever you missed
is just missed
Finding Assignments & Week 1
- On our course
Home Page is the schedule of assignments
for the entire semester with
Opening Dates (when they become available) and Closing
Dates (when they are no longer available)
- Each week has
a corresponding Module with assignments due for that
specific week. To access these modules click the
link "Modules" on the left
Week 1
- On the
Home Page click the "Modules"
link on the left menu. You will see all course Modules. Look
in Module 1 - week 1,

- click:
Welcome to Eng 121. Do what is assigned (some videos to
watch, and necessary course info to read and learn.)
- click: Self
Introduction. Do what is assigned.
Room Option
Zoom Room will be available every Monday & Wednesday: 4:30pm -
Students can use it to meet with classmates.
Enter any time you wish throughout the semester.
If you would like me (Prof. B) to participate or
meet with you, let me know vial email
with adequate notice.
Important issues to keep in mind
- Read Directions
completely and carefully
Assignments have different directions and
procedures; they are not all the same. Submitting an
assignment that does not adhere
to the directions for
submission will most likely result in an unacceptable
- Completely read all my
communications (emails, announcements, message board
posts etc).
- Everything, except when
noted in directions, you submit for
this class must be in
3rd person.
Code Number
(remaining anonymous)
Expect an email, providing your personal CODE #. For info
about using your Code# see " Remaining Anonymous"
on the Syllabus.
NEVER put your name on anything
submitted for this class - use your Code# (except for Discussion Boards)
NEVER put your Code# or your Name on a Discussion Board.
(your name is automatically attached to Discussion