Prewriting | |||||||||||||||||||||
Prewriting is the process of gathering ideas and
knowledge for an essay A constructive outline does not tell what a writer will do or learn - it tells what the writer already learned, knows, & will support| There are 4 steps in a prewrite: Step 1 = selecting at topic Step 2 = brainstorming Step 3 = outlining step 4 = making prewrite decisions. Let's
start from the beginning:
Step 2
Next: Create Main Ideas (MI) based on your Clustering Brainstorm - what does your knowledge tell you about each component?
MI = The theater
itself + is not always comfortable nor
attractive Next:
Create a THESIS (the controlling essay idea)
for your essay based on your Main Ideas - what do
all your Main Ideas tell you about your Topic? State
what all your Main Ideas tell you in one declarative
sentence that encompasses all Main Ideas. Thesis is your message which
you arrived at by looking at your Main Ideas Step 3 Making
Prewrite Decisions
Examples of Formal Sentence Outlines |
Example 1 I. Traditional Marriages are heterosexual marriages based on a format that has been utilized for a long time. A. These marriages are firmly rooted in gender roles. B. Some of these gender roles have been challenged over time. C. Many people believe this to be outdated. D. Traditional marriages still have a place in society.
Modern Heterosexual Marriages
are similar to that of
traditional marriages, but have several important A. These marriages focus less on gender roles, and more on equal partnership. B. They are the updated form of traditional marriages. C. Modern heterosexual marriages are becoming commonplace in today’s society. D. They are replacing the historical norm for marriages.
III. Gay Marriages are romantic commitments in which the two people involved are of the same gender. A. These marriages operate without a concept of gender roles. B. Gay marriage has not been approved as a legal right. C. There is opposition in today’s society to this type of marriages.
IV. Convenience Marriages are marriages that exist simply for the benefit of legal rights. A. These marriages often lack romantic connection. B. Marriage affords a couple privileges in areas such as taxes, decision making, and benefit upon death. C. People may seek to have these benefits, and romantic connection is not a prerequisite for marriage. D. These marriages are often considered immoral in society.
Open Marriages
are marriages in which romantic and/or
sexual connections with people outside of the A. These marriages can be either heterosexual or homosexual. B. Partners will agree to this sort of lifestyle before engaging in activities outside of the marriage. C. These marriages are often misunderstood as being marriages without commitment.
Example 2
Note: THESIS =
Topic of Essay +
APOV about this essay topic
Note: THESIS =
Topic of Essay +
APOV about this essay
MI (I, II, III) = topic of the paragraph + APOV about this smaller topic = (it clearly supports the THESIS) SS (A, B, C...) = They clearly support the M Thesis - Education is not an option in the current employment market.
Knowledge is
beneficial to employment seekers and a big plus towards
Companies want employees to have a complete
understanding of the position.
1. Computer knowledge is necessary for many high level jobs 2. Discipline specific skills are required for many white collar jobs
B. Person
becomes more of an asset instead of a burden because
less training is necessary.
1. not having to train a prospective employee is very cost effective
Higher Income are an
expected result of higher degrees of learning
A. Degreed
individuals usually start out in a higher position other
than entry level.
B. Having a
degree, license or certification warrants more money.
1. degrees also get first preference on job interviews
C. Cost of
living today is higher than ever and more financial
security is needed.
III. Resumes
with educational accomplishments
have a competitive edge
Resumes showing a college degree are viewed more highly
than without.
1. professional job openings are usually given preference to those with advanced college experience
B. Socializing
and networking is more available through internships
1. Other benefits are possible to those with knowledge |
Example 3 THESIS = Topic of Essay + APOV about this essay topic MI (I, II, III) = topic of the paragraph + APOV about this smaller topic = (it clearly supports the THESIS) SS (A, B, C...) = They clearly support the MI
THESIS = Cooking and eating
at home provides many
benefits not found when dining out. I. An effect of cooking and eating at home is the complete control of one’s food A. The opportunity to hand pick the most quality ingredients 1. Health and nutritional effects B. Cooking and preparing the food exactly as preferred C. Enjoying the experience in the comfort of one’s own home
II. Economically, cooking and eating at home will save money A. Fewer trips out of the house B. Groceries and ingredients are much cheaper than dishes served in restaurants C. No need to tip wait staff
III. Another effect of cooking and eating at home is a closeness between family and friends A. It is much more personal to cook for someone than to take them out to eat B. Family members and friends can teach and learn from each other in the kitchen
Example 4 THESIS = Topic of Essay + APOV about this essay topic MI (I, II, III) = topic of the paragraph + APOV about this smaller topic = (it clearly supports the THESIS) SS (A, B, C...) = They clearly support the MI Thesis: Today’s advertising is ruining our society. I. Advertisement images create behavior that is less than desirable. A. People want to look like the people being advertised. B. Young people see celebrities or a famous person smoking cigars so they pick it up thinking it is cool. C. People becoming obese because of the obsessive advertisements of food. II. Misleading advertising is common and very detrimental A. Infomercials that claim so many good things but none are true. B. Reputable companies misleading consumers. C. Baiting consumer with price and having no or little items in stock (Think Black Friday). III. Consumers are flooded and constantly bothered by vertisements everywhere they go. A. Having companies sell consumer information to advertising companies B. Receiving spam mail from Mailboxes and email C. Having telemarketers call consumers trying to get them to buy something D. Riding your car down the street and having people solicit you for donations
Example 5
THESIS = Topic of Essay + APOV about this essay topic MI (I, II, III) = topic of the paragraph + APOV about this smaller topic = (it clearly supports the THESIS) SS (A, B, C...) = They clearly support the MI
THESIS: Due to economic
uncertainty, married
women have become
more than stay at home moms. II
see women as equal. III
are in need of role models for
daughters. |