Vivid & Specific

Make writing more specific   Direction: Go from general to more specific, to most specific 

General                        More Specific                 Most Specific
school                          high school                      Edison High School
relative                         uncle                               Uncle Frank
fine wine                      fine red French wine        1980 Blackstone Merlot
great vacation              European vacation           Our trip to England  
restaurant                    Italian restaurant               Luigi's Trattoria in Hanover NJ

Practice Making writing vivid
Directions: Re‑write each of the generally stated sentences below. Make it more specific, then more vivid.

 EX: (G)eneral ‑ Yesterday I had a wonderful day
        (S)pecific ‑ Yesterday was a wonderful day because I spent time with my friend and talked about
                           important business.
             (V)ivid ‑Yesterday was a wonderful day because I spent several hours in the afternoon with my best
                           friend, Martin, discussing the opening of our new pizzeria and restaurant.


1. G ‑ The house is beautiful, but it does needs some repairs.

    S ‑

    V ‑


2. G Robert's boss appreciated the job he did for the company.

   S ‑

   V ‑


3. G ‑ Good students meet their responsibilities.

   S -

   V -


4. G ‑ I plan to work very hard to become a success.

    S ‑

    V ‑


5. G My best friend is great because he is always there when I need him most.

    S ‑

   V ‑ 

Being Concrete

Describe something concrete using your five senses.  (See ‑ Smell ‑ Hear ‑ Touch Taste)

   your bedroom,   a beautiful friend,   an admired person,   person you don't like, a vacation spot

Describing an experience using your 5 senses) (See ‑ Smell ‑ Hear ‑ Touch Taste)

  first: day of college, a kiss, an experience with death, wedding party, Christmas day, your birthday